Northwest Church Of Christ
3904 38th Street NW, Canton, Ohio 44718
330-492-5523 Fax: 330-493-7119 Email: nwcc.ts@gmail.com
DISCLAIMER. Certain links on this site lead to information and resources on servers maintained by third parties and are provided as a convenience to website visitors who may be interested in further information pertaining to the church of Christ. The church leadership and members have no control over these outside sites and are, therefore, not responsible or liable for their content. Inclusion of any outside site does not imply an endorsement of the site, or information contained therein, by the Northwest church of Christ.
While these sites may serve as helpful resources, their contents are not guaranteed to be 100% researched or Biblically accurate. The elders urge visitors and members to use discretion and wisdom when examining any resource outside of the Bible, and encourage all to refer to God’s Word as the ultimate authority (1 Thessalonians 5:21 “...but examine everything; hold firmly to that which is good”).
Apologetics Press - http://www.apologeticspress.org/
BeBaptized.org - http://www.bebaptized.org/
Bible Gateway - https://www.biblegateway.com/
BibleTalk.tv - https://bibletalk.tv/
Christian Courier - https://www.christiancourier.com
Gospel Minutes - http://www.gospelminutes.org/
Gospel Broadcasting Network - https://gbntv.org/
House to House / Heart to Heart Ministries - https://housetohouse.com/
Muscle & A Shovel - https://www.michaelshankministries.com/
Read Scripture - https://www.readscripture.org/
The Authentic Christian Podcast - https://gbntv.org/the-authentic-christian/
The Bible Project - https://bibleproject.com/
App - https://bibleproject.com/app/
Bible Studies - https://bibleproject.com/bible-studies/
Book Overviews - https://bibleproject.com/explore/book-overviews/
Truth Magazine - https://www.truthmagazine.com
World Video Bible School - https://store.wvbs.org/wvbs-splashpage.html